Boys Girls
Shirt: Sky blue (handloom) with full sleeves. Blouse: Sky blue (handloom) with full sleeves.
Trousers: Blue( deeper shade) Skirt: Blue (deeper shade)
School Pullover/Jacket Salwar Kameez: White salwar and skyblue (handloom) kameez.
Shoes: Black shoes with velcro/black laces. School Pullover/Jacket
School socks, belt and tie, as prescribed. Shoes: Black shoes with velcro/black laces.
P.E. Dress: Grey Tracksuit to be worn only on days of PE classes or as instructed. School socks, belt and tie, as prescribed.
Ankle length school socks, belt and tie, as prescribed.
P.E. Dress: Grey Tracksuit to be worn only on days of PE classes or as instructed.

The following are strictly not permitted:

  • Junk jewellery / Use of cosmetics
  • Colored / inappropriate articles of clothing
  • Long unkempt hair / untidy appearance in any manner (Boys)
  • Long hair left loose or done up with fancy hair accessories (Girls)
  • Fancy sport shoes/flip flops etc.